Sam Leifer-搜索结果

  • 罗马三贱客 第三季 Plebs Season 3


    导演:Sam Leifer   编剧:Sam Leifer, Tom Basden

    主演:汤姆·罗森塔尔, 乔尔·弗莱, 瑞恩·山普森

      《罗马三贱客》(PLEBS)是英国ITV2的喜剧剧集。时代背景设定是在公元前27年 - 公元前26年的古罗马时代,主角是3名罗马小市民,由于懒懒散散,毫无大志,注定不会留下任何历史痕迹,但绝对让你笑爆。故事虽然设定在古代,但都是旧瓶子装现代酒,里面各种生活细节都同现代社会挂上钩。

  • 罗马三贱客 第二季 plebs Season 2


    导演:Sam Leifer   编剧:Sam Leifer, Tom Basden

    主演:Joel Fry, Tom Rosenthal, 瑞恩·山普森


  • 罗马三贱客 第一季 Plebs Season 1


    导演:Sam Leifer   编剧:Sam Leifer, Tom Basden

    主演:Joel Fry, 汤姆·罗森塔尔, 瑞恩·山普森, Lydia Rose Bewley, Sophie Colquhoun

      Plebs is described as "a thoroughly modern comedy in an ancient setting."
      Rome is traditionally imagined as the home of emperors and senators, generals and gladiators, a dignified theatre of pomp and ceremony. But what about the little guys, the wasters - new to the big city, stuck in office jobs, unable to get the girls?
      Plebs follows three desperate young men from the suburbs...

  • 罗马三贱客 第四季 Plebs Season 4

    类型:喜劇 Comedy片电影

    导演:Sam Leifer   编剧:汤姆·巴斯登, Sam Leifer

    主演:汤姆·罗森塔尔, 瑞恩·山普森

      Ruthless entrepreneur Crassus is building a new housing estate with no regard for health or safety - which results in Stylax's death. Builder Jason turns up to reveal that he inadvertently killed Stylax due to Crassus's disregard for rules and joins with Marcus and Grumio to force Crassus to give them their own property - actually a run-down former public lavatory.